Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How Can You Tell If A Dental Implant Is Failing

Salmon and artisanal fisheries" AMNESIA "UNIVERSITY POPULAR

Héctor Kol
Aysen Fishworkers
Castro, Region de Los Lagos, Chile
, May 2009.
May 13th just past, the Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture of the House of Representatives almost unanimously approved a package of amendments to the Fisheries Act and Aquaculture joined the Socialist government of President Bachelet.Con this approval, is the first step towards privatization of the Chilean Southern Ocean, a maritime territory that Act, now wants to reform, we reserve, in its Article 47, the Artesanal.Esta Fishing is the most brilliant and creative ideas emerged a Club of Friends of Salmon-Chile called "Salmon Bench, created by the same government with the purpose of" saving "your Industry Symbol. It brings together public services, by law, this industry should monitor and regulate their environment and labor negotiations. Now get together to "save." And for this club seems inclusive and participatory actors designated as "relevant" to NGOs and Salmon-Chile. Nobody más.Ni Artisanal Fisheries Trustee of maritime territory invaded by the "successful" Salmon Industry, and the tourism industry, were invited to this Bureau of Labor. Were replaced by four NGOs (Terram, Oxfam, and OCEANA Olachica) and magically cease to be "stakeholders" in a maritime territory they have occupied for 3 000 años.Porque that we have here, and Culture: 30 Centuries. The "successful" Salmon Industry is gone after only 20 years of malign presence in our inland waters for which was paid at the time of its collapse, $ 7 per square meter of sea surface occupying their concessions ... Año.Así $ 7, with the "expertise" in this table PRIVATE meeting of the Salmon, two results have been generated so far after more than a year of study and discussion: A Plan of antibiotics which now responsible for the misuse of these drugs is the veterinarian of the company and not the infected eggs matters that are cheaper, NO that passes through our borders, NO leading to the sea fry sick, NOT intentionally releasing infected fish to prevent harvesting costs and thus transforms your fish enfermedad.Y vector of the second great idea for this private group is working Privatization of the Sea, hidden in the creation of salmon Barrios to make more "efficient" production management of the salmon. More efficient at what?. In less than a year, a virus discovered in the Bosom of Reloncaví is now southern Strait of Magellan, 2,400 linear kilometers away from the point where it was discovered. That is called being fully efficient ... nothing that could be better, because if you destroy the southern Chilean Sea issue, the Salmon Industry has been extremely efficient. And exploit their workers ahead of public services mandated to prevent such abuses, también.Durante months have you heard that the neighborhoods will improve salmon health management of the salmon industry. Show them, show a point to study it, show healthy fish, even, or a single company without Caligus, SRS, ISA, IPN or vibriosis.Lo Barrios truth is that salmon are only water estates, where they want to leave Artisanal fisheries, to pawn it. The new concessions are applied to farm salmon, is to pawn the water. Why say goodbye to all workers whether they are simultaneously asking dozens of new concessions? Who is going to feed the fish in the new concession? Who is going to process these new crops? And where are going to prosecute, if they have sold or closed processing plants one after another?. The new concessions, Barrios salmon, salmon Work Table, everything is geared to engage the sea of \u200b\u200ball Chileans.
(SLIDE 1) Slide 1 is the 11th amendment to the Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture force provided by the Government on 8 January this year. Aquaculture concessions, namely the Southern Ocean, now would be a "pledge" to efforts to creditors, that is, the bank administering the $ 450 million to finance the bailout money that is ours.
(SLIDE 2) In the Slide 2 shows the "words" made on April 1, to perfect the brilliant idea: "Without prejudice to other legal transactions may become a mortgage on the issuing or aquaculture ..." The Sea should be mortgaged to Save Salmon Industry that "feeding the world ... fed our South." That is the spirit of the Act by the Socialist Government of President Bachelet and that is what was approved by the Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture of the House of Representatives, with votes by Rep. Vallespín, Deputy Espinoza, Deputy Recondo and Deputy Alvarado, representing the interests of this region Los Lagos. Chilean Sea privatize, that is what was approved. Neither more nor less.
(SLIDE 3) But this is not only the taking, from the heritage of all Chileans, Southern Patagonian sea. As you can see in Slide 3, the entire Chilean maritime territory declared area suitable for aquaculture (Triple A) there are only aquaculture concessions, now mortgaged, by 2.4%. Subtract more than 97% that employers may still request and then mortgaged. This is 90% of the Chilean Coastline these patriotic Members of the Coalition and the Alliance, have left their doors privatización.La excuse for the expropriation of all Chilean Sea has been the situation of workers salmon. Today, ALL employees are concerned about the salmon, but not changed or labor laws that allow the multitude of abuses being committed in this industry and the Directors of Services to do a blind eye to them. However, neither the hypocritical attitude is held to the light of the state salmon entrepreneurs themselves.
(SLIDE 4) In its edition of April 25 last, the newspaper El LLANQUIHUE published the following statements by General Manager INTESAL-SalmonChile Carlos Vial: "We have 20 years. Many came here in the south, with nothing, and we have no interest in to go with it because that is what is happening today, "Carlos Vial-General Manager-Salmon INTESAL ChileDiario The Llanquihue, April 25, 2009 . This is the sense of the Bureau of Labor, "Salmon", the involvement of the NGOs mentioned, workers' organizations that hold these agreements, which have supported the Provincial Presidents of the CUT and Deputies who have passed of the Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture: allowing employers to salmon, ANYTHING ELSE WILL BE WITH YOU BECAUSE, ie their Gucci bags filled with $ 450 million in all Chileans, and achieved through the privatization of the Sea todos.Resulta is also clear that the least I could do Artisanal Fisheries was opposed to this situation. They took, in Democracy, fish ... We will now remove the Sea over the past three weeks, the AGO managed to break the information blockade that have tended not only traditional media but also the censorship of NGO web pages. No one publishes anything, but still, e-mail e-mail, a letter from the AGO managed to uncover the meaning of the Salmon Working Committee and its consequences not only for artisanal fisheries, but for all the Chileans and dozens of organizations Social have signed this letter express their rejection of the privatization of mar.Y to this public display of this new assault on our natural heritage to save salmon Norwegian, Japanese and English and a few survivors still Chilean, has started a new epidemic : colectiva.Nadie amnesia was where he was, no one said what he did and nobody knew what we always knew ... Now no one agrees with what was built when they were present. TERRAM discovered a month ago that the salmon is "unsustainable" Olachica now opposes the privatization of the Sea, as OCEANA, claiming it lacks studies to reorganize districts concessions ... but DO NOT OPPOSE ... Now the Barrios, Santiago-based NGOs, namely the Capital which is landlocked, are leaders in the resistance to privatization of the Sea crowned as leader of the resistance to a leader ... Valparaíso is ie very close to Santiago and the offices of NGOs. Already yesterday, the new leader met with the designated representative of the Government which features perhaps ... and maybe get what acuerdos.Esta Campaign has no need leaders. The Sea is in all Chileans ... all defenderlo.La privatization of the sea must be submitted on November 21, 2008 in Puerto Varas (Xth Region), in a seminar organized by the same parliamentary committee has approved the privatization of the sea, that is, 6 months ago atrás.Allí fisherfolk organizations were Aysen and Magallanes and before our eyes not only presented the death of this industry, but the very Felipe Sandoval spoke publicly for the first time, mortgages aquaculture concessions. And in that event were two of the NGOs now suffering from amnesia, as well as CONATRASAL on behalf of workers. They were also the President of the CONAPACH and Vice CONFEPACH.El January 13 this year, the Fishermen AUG Aysen was summoned to the Senate Environment Committee, chaired by Senator Nelson Avila to address this issue and the situation was causing environmental collapse Salmonera.En Industry session were attended by the Undersecretary of Fisheries, the National Director SERNAPESCA, Minister of Environment and 3 of the 4 NGOs today amnesic and dissidents, more ECOCEANE, presenting their own formulas to provide "sustainability" to the salmon industry, earthen ponds, floating cages in protected sites (ie, closer to our natural banks) to avoid "destruction" of schools and "leak" of fish , to prohibit two of the sixteen types of antibiotics used by salmon farming in Chile, and so forth. Working Table Salmon that they alone were involved, took almost a year of operation. None of the representatives of the NGOs mentioned concessions mortgages ... None. Neither the President of the CONAPACH, in Hall and seminar Puerto Varas ... Now, none remember who was there, explaining about how to make this industry sustainable now, 4 months later, it seems " unsustainable. "That same day, I introduced the basics that as Aysen AGO have to point out that this industry is fundamentally incompatible with our age-old activity and why, given this inconsistency, our aim was to eradicate the year 2009 to the Industry Salmon of our maritime territory. Here are some of the images showed here.
(SLIDE 5 - Labor Conf) In this map are plotted Disputes cases of severe labor abuses occurred between 1994 and 2008, classified by color according to the registered abuse chronologically, as shown in the numbering of each ellos.Cuando be seen this picture, one wonders, how long, then, workers care about salmon to SalmonChile, the Deputies of the Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture, Government?. Where are labor reforms to prevent all this and more happened, how many work groups will failed for lack of business and government to end these abuses?. The last death of a worker Norwegian salmon occurred in 2001. In Chile, from 2001 to date, has killed more than 70 workers and several Chilean salmon in noruegos.Pero owned companies not only massive abuses ever tried (and many resulting in death) that affected workers. It was in conditions bordering on slavery and that some of the gains obtained were for companies that wages were paid to trabajadores.Ustedes, salmon workers, know that reality, what you yourself lived in this industry is much more serious than what the reports say about labor abuses that were committed, but need to be certified that such reports existed because several of its leaders were also have forgotten, especially when they say they aspire to Salmon Industry "back to what it was" ...
(SLIDE 6-ACJR) This is a report of the Alliance for a Fair and Responsible Trade (AJR) filed with the ILO in Switzerland, in 2005 ...
(SLIDE 7) With respect to wages, the picture they see in the slide shows real wage increases obtained by workers in a period of 12 years, calculated based on wage growth versus productivity growth, ie how salary increase on how much a worker produces salmon. Only between the years '86 and '89, workers wages increased by 7%, for about increasing productivity. In the 9 years remaining workers were not paid between 5 and 15% of that increased productivity, in other words, between '90 and '98, 5 to 15% of "profits "of salmon companies were for wages not paid ... THIS IS the industry who really want to return to "what was"? Artisan Fishing has not been spared the abuses and crimes committed by the "successful" Industry salmon. Not only is that many workers were killed in the salmon fishermen. This is the Sea were born as the culture has been destroyed by this toxic industry and that our survival is at risk.
(SLIDE 8-Conf Environmental) This Map shows how the Sea treaty has been given to us as a culture and origin we get our livelihood. Each circle is a serious pollution event, classified and arranged as in the map of labor disputes. Nothing can be done against nature, all this has been allowed by the state, public services and even their Tribunales.Nuestros traditional resources have been polluted and organic chemistry. About our natural banks put this drug are floating salmon centers with daily administration of all sorts of chemicals such as disinfectants, anti-fouling paints, pesticides, dyes, and especially antibiotics.
(SLIDE 9-Table antibiotics) The following table compares the variety of antibiotics used in Chile with respect to what happens in Norway and the Unidos.Como are in Chile you can wear anything and raise a campaign to eliminate two of these drugs is naive, to say the least, because let's face it, if we forbid the two fluoroquinolones used in chile (oxolinic acid and flumequine) .. what about the rest?. But there are major differences in the amounts of antibiotics consumed in the various industries in the world salmon.
(SLIDE 10 - Antibiotics Norway) This graph shows the radical decline in the consumption of antibiotics in Norwegian salmon industry from the year '91, to bequeath to the current situation of 600 kilos of drugs used in ALL the Nordic salmon farming industry, a rate of A grams of drugs per tonne of salmon produced.
(SLIDE 11-Antibiotics Chile) And this is the situation in Chile, as increased production, increased drug use. Officially, it is said that in Chile are used 250 times more antibiotics than in Norway. We in the Aysen AGO, based on DIA provided by the salmon industry in our region, we have found consumption to 790 grams of drugs per tonne of salmon produced ... that is, consumption in excess of 790 registered Noruega.No is only a quantitative difference. Is a difference between a serious and responsible state and another that it does not matter what you do, you generate money, you generate "economic growth" in 2006, OCEANA, Chile (then headed by Marcel Claude) found that 40% of wild fish caught in Cochamó (Reloncaví Estuary) were contaminated with antibiotics. Our fish, artisanal fishing, are already contaminated.
(SLIDE 12) This Slide shows the result of a spill RILES illegal landfill company salmon fjords in Puerto Swan, in 2006, where 500 tons of sardines were killed Intoxicated by the fluids of the clandestine cemetery. But despite the allegations and evidence did nothing neither the state nor its industry symbol to avoid new environmental tragedies and therefore we Melinka the current situation where only one center (Lagreze weste of AQUACHILE) cleared all our resources Repollal benthic Alto, 12 miles Melinka in the Aysen Region.
(SLIDE 13 - Corpses) In this town, from late November 2008, the company of Victor Hugo Puchi their bodies accumulated in the salmon cages and ponds, this is generated transformed into a floating cemetery, where they had to use disinfectants invaluable amounts to bathe divers who plunged from worms to remove mortalities redes.El attached to the indiscriminate use of these disinfectants, especially iodine, killed everything that was alive in the seabed at least 9 miles, as shown in the following video.
(SLIDE 14-Video) artisanal fisheries can no longer tolerate this situation, repeated throughout the Inner Sea of \u200b\u200bChiloé and Aysen broad sectors. Nobody can ask us to resign ourselves to disappear so that there are so destructive industries like the salmon industry. Much less going to be passive if we now want to privatize Mar.No are against the creation of jobs, but against slavery. Nobody is going to convince people that slavery is an alternative to unemployment, nobody is going to take a territory we have occupied for 30 centuries to come overseas and Santiago to shatter it and then go away "with something else that position. "
Aysen AGO For as long as all you had to negotiate with the salmon industry was the day and time to grab their facilities and were sent to change. Nothing more. We do not live the problem, such as NGOs solutions ... we live in a healthy sea to produce a healthy fishery, the same which supplies 70% of the domestic market for seafood, the same as you and your children consume nuestros.Y and solutions to this conflict happen, inevitably, to eradicate the salmon industry and its failure, he wants to be hidden even at the expense of leaving the sea in the hands of the Banking Privada.La AGO will continue its road and track to remove this industry infectious, toxic, and lousy in our territories, whether they like or dislike the parliamentarians crazed with porcelain from the Annual Dinners of salmon, NGOs or the Confederation of Artisanal Fishermen advised to them last November that they wanted take away the sea and nothing dijeron.Tuvimos to go, as now, social organizations to get some help and diffuse the situation and were the andha-Chile, the Confederation of Copper Workers and the Movement of Peoples, among others, which filled the absence of Confederation of Fishermen Artesanales.También in CONFEPACH and the occurrence of the epidemic CONAPACH Amnesia, but it is never too late to repent and assume the tasks that they are entitled, provided they do not use this situation to get more shares of sardines or an increase in the FOPA ... and accept the privatization of the sea as a currency exchange ... I hope to be able to explain and understand me regarding the position of the AGO, we want to also be yours. Our struggle is not only to survive as an activity and Culture. Now we also fight for what belongs to everyone, our Ocean and request to join the campaign against the privatization of nature, a campaign that no longer belong to a guild small as nuestro.Ahora should be for all and each of us.

SalmoniculturaAGO Program Fishermen of AysénCastro,
May 2009.




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