Sunday, February 10, 2008

Spark Green Beans Mircrowave


I read the other day that in the region of Murcia will be lost around 70 million because of drought. And only in Murcia. And you can not say that is because of global warming, as for example in China is having the heaviest snowfalls on record ever ... but it is clear that climate change is leading to more extreme weather events than usual: snow in China, drought in Spain, huge tornados, floods ...

But speaking of the drought was thinking: "That damned irony that the sea covers 75% of the planet, yet we have drought." And then it occurred to me

And if we built desalination plants for farmers?

You see: water desalination plants is not fit for human consumption. However if it serves for irrigation, and water is a virtually endless ... if we speak of seawater. And once you've built a desalination plant, water only costs you what it costs.

The idea could be implemented eg as follows: the regions are divided by area farmers, the size which can power a desalination plant (in the photo that I have, if you click it, you see just that.) Let's say a desalination plant to cater to 1000 farmers in an area of \u200b\u200bMurcia. Those 1000 farmers mounted a "cooperative" and build their desalination plant. Could for example be financed by the government, leaving the money at the lowest possible interest. Between 1000 farmers would not be very expensive to build the desalination plant, and was once built would supply water to grow to a very low price because they do not "buy" water anyone would own its own water desalination plant. Only have to spend money on maintenance of the desalination plant. And it's not the money "saved" in the water, especially do not lose by drought, as we have heard on the news is an outrage. And thus saving fresh water for human consumption, which partly palliate the country's drought. Disadvantages

I do not see too: you have to build desalination plants, yes, but significantly cheaper than the money lost by the drought, and that is lost every year, in the desalination just have to make an initial investment, then you hard many years. Help to alleviate the drought, which each year will be more acute. The country's crop would be much more productive, and therefore would have to import less from abroad. The water resources of the sea is practically infinite (if we had just one day it ... we have a BIG problem.) In addition, the government needs to collaborate, all farmers who lose the final touches on severance pay, import food from the exterior makes up inflation, etc. No ... Do you see a problem?


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