Saturday, January 26, 2008

Especificação Gts450

Farmer Dam Cover Solar Sun

The current problem of global warming is largely due to greenhouse gases. The effect is basically to retain the sun's rays, warming the planet.

And it's a very difficult situation to reverse. Protocols such as "Kyoto " or the failed "Bali" (if the U.S. was committed, but so slight that it was a failure), the only thing expected is a reduction of pollution. No talk of "cleaning up contaminated", but only a little less polluting. This means that we pollute.

So the outlook for the situation to normal is impossible. Although contaminate "a little less," the only thing we will do is raise the temperature "a little less," but we will continue to rise. The picture does not look good at all. A solution requires a global commitment, that commitment is almost impossible, especially when it is to make companies less competitive, or force them to spend part of their budget on something that short and medium term will bring them no benefits.

Thus, despite attempts by governments to meet many times in the face of public opinion that to revert the situation, the issue is getting worse. There are different measurements, but so far this century has not increased or the temperature a degree and we already have "the strongest drought," the largest tornadoes, "the worst rains ", etc. And it is estimated that within 50 years will have increased 4 degrees temperature. Go wrong. We would need to reduce "average grade" global temperature ... and more in the future.

And if we cover the sun?

We are not talking about "cover it" real, only to place in orbit mirrors or panels large enough to cover "a little" sun. Only one or two percent. Enough to offset the temperature rise by the effect of greenhouse gases. It would be something like the picture, although in a much smaller scale, of course. There would be no zone "overshadowed" just a little more obscured for a few minutes.

to it well:
  • Worldwide spending also would not be exorbitant. Possibly much less than the cost of trying to pollute less. And it's easier to agree.
  • The closer is the single panel has to be fairly large. While in orbit, we need not be the same size as the proportion of land we want to "darken" it would be much lower.
  • Companies do not lose competitiveness by not having to "pollute less."
  • would not be "a bad workaround" as the protocol of "Kyoto", which does not provide a solution, if not slow down the problem. This really would be lowering the planet's temperature at a rate equivalent to that which has gone up. And it could be scalable in the future if necessary.
  • would launch new space race
  • could also be combined with any other project. For example, instead of mirrors, could be "solar panels" would generate a tremendous amount of energy, to be facing the sun directly, and large platform behind the solar panels could be placed the "Space Station International. This would have energy for all your projects in, and the astronauts would be much better protected from harmful solar rays (one of the biggest problems in space).
    Another idea might be to put a telescope inside the solar panels (power serve him). When you are behind, could see much better in the light of distant stars without the interference of light from our Sun
there are all kinds of problems: the calculation of the size of the "mega panel "(could be many panels close, we would not need to be one giant) to affect as opposed to the greenhouse effect, the location of these panels, and that would shadow on any part of the Earth and could be harmful to plants and animals (even if a small percentage would not have to, in addition to the rotation of the earth would be only "a little less sun for a few minutes, like turning a cloud). But the benefits far outweigh and disadvantages, and it would be a thing of scientists studying the most favorable. For example, the panels could be placed so that most of the time pass above the desert, which is a wasteland almost dead and hurt at little (or even may have been good, so is more difficult than advancing desertification). Or for example could be placed so that the shadow would especially at the poles, which is another area almost dead (with this we could get even reverse the melting of the poles). Anyway, what seems clear is that currently are not doing enough and that things will get worse, and it takes an idea like this or something like (immediate and worldwide) to get to reverse the situation.


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