Sunday, January 20, 2008

Brazil Women Soccer Shower

For this first idea I combine two elements: to get clean energy and save water at the same time. INTRODUCTION

The enegía solar energy is "free." That is, once put a solar panel, that panel will pay for the energy produced. And you're not spending any fossil mineral or energy to get this in any way impairing the environment. To all this, we must add that lately there have been many advances in solar energy with new materials that can more efficiently taking advantage of sunlight, or techniques that reduce the amount of material "solar panel" need, minimizing the installation cost.

To install a solar panel need a relatively flat (plane), where with enough sunlight. Moreover, once achieved that energy, we need a wiring system to a powerhouse that collect, store and distribute.

Another problems is that the drought and water shortages. Even in developed countries such as Spain, not many years can we begin to need to restrict their consumption. Now it is necessary to have water-saving methods and raise awareness of this need. Although not all spending depends on drinking water, there is a significant part of water lost from the lakes evaporate. Although this evaporation is due to contact with air a factor in this evaporation is the solar radiation received .

So combining the two concepts comes this idea: DAM


Q e want to get cheap, clean energy (solar energy) through solar panels, taking advantage of new and efficient methods and materials. We need a spot to put the panels, so it would have to buy it. We need the ground is smooth. We need a connection to a power plant. Probably need private sector finance.

What if we put solar panels on top of a lake?

Let's think: The surface of the lake is a large flat surface, wasted, which receives sunlight in spurts. Could be responsible for putting the electric company that manages the dam, as the "field" of the lake is theirs and not have to make investment in land. In addition, the "food" and are connected to power plants, thereby connecting the power generated is quite simple. And is the company that manages the dam who can put the money to install because the land is yours, the power is yours, and the benefits would be yours. The plant workers themselves could be responsible for maintaining panels.

But still the idea has another advantage: While the solar panels on the lake, the lake will get less solar radiation (only small gaps left panels), thus greatly reduces the effect of evaporative lake water! We're saving a lot of water because of this. Even the water saving is a side effect is that having more water in the lake, the power center of the lake, which produces electricity through the stored water can make up to be more water. So not only do we get solar enegía, and save water, but even more electricity through the stored water.

The idea is there, now would be a matter for the engineers to see what would be a cheaper and more efficient to place the panels. I have proposed two different in the two montages that you see: a serious as they are placed on the ground, with solar panels anchored to the floor of the lake using "sticks." Thinking perhaps of the difficulty of maintaining the solar panels ("employees with boats passing between the panels?), It strikes me that you could also build platforms over the large lake (with ladders to climb them) on which would the solar panels. Or they could be placed on giant rafts, and whether to raise or lower the level the lake, there are always floating, and as no tidal lakes ... Possible

defects of this idea I see a priori is that the assembly of solar panels would be more expensive than on land (or maybe not, because the more money you could spend on the installation, you may save cabling to the plant and to buy the dump to place the panels), and, perhaps, possible effect of humidity on the solar panels. But perhaps these elements are negligible to the energy efficiently achieved, planetary pollution abatement, and saving water resources.

There is the idea.


Among many interesting comments, has said that solar panels do not change all the solar energy, and the rest, turning it into heat, may have the opposite effect of heating water Instead of cooling. To try to confirm or refute this idea, I made the following experiment simulates solar panels, placing two glasses of water over one of them I placed a tripod with a covering of black, a few inches away. I left an hour sun. The water evaporated, so little time was almost nil in the two, but by measuring the temperature was 3 degrees below the glass covered. In the first photo You can see two glasses of water, on the left with the black cover (if it is in home plan lol). In the glass on the right is the cup without cover, in the photo is within a cable that measures the temperature ... The second picture is less important, is just to show how the lid is placed a little above the glass.

The conclusions drawn from this is that although the water reflects a portion of the received sunlight, the solar panels would cover the lake will not reach anything that enegía, so that cooling is greater. And while the black was hot, had a small air space, and this being a good insulator, heat, if transfers would be provided to a lesser extent than it would if it received all the rays of the sun, so that the water temperature to be less evaporate less. By the way, commenting that the lowering effect of temperature on the lake I think it would be higher, for several reasons:
* The glass is transparent, the rays pass through the glass that is not covered. At the lake surface to be dark, and not to escape the sun's rays by the walls of the lake, they retain heat better.
* The surface of the lake for its depth has a greater proportion than that of glass. The lagoon receives only the rays of the "mouth" of the vessel. In the lake the "mouth" is much higher, which receives more sunlight. And being covered, we are much more to share of sunlight. the glass.

Anyway I said, it's just an idea, basic, and of course improved, possibly hundreds of technical elements such as insulators, conductive materials, new materials for solar panels to absorb more radiation ... that may apply to the idea to improve it, we do not know. But there is, available to experts for study and, if really good the are applied.


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