Thursday, September 10, 2009

How To Make A Diaper Baby Carriage With Image

Panels: seeking speed and savings

affordable housing development required to optimize resources and generate a high degree of efficiency in producing and running.
The idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding resources series, lightweight materials and new technologies is characteristic of modernity. Its objective advantage: speed and savings, looking for an architecture conditions: utility, share, support. Generating design
through these new technologies is the theme that emerges in these articles, which in turn seek their knowledge and promotion. How to innovate in this application, proposing innovative projects. It is possible to start with the analysis of projects that give a new look at the building, offering original, fit within the resource and benefit.

Architecture Part of the need to protect the person from the weather. Since ancient times, is the first logical premise. See it, has to appreciate the efforts towards the most needy, and strongly interested in the means of resolving this need. From a box or covered with a blanket, brick, or cement, this need appears to be paramount. In development, cultural issues appear that a more complex architecture, but this is his birth, it is interesting to emphasize it, and dignity of all construction.

In this dignity, the issue is how can occur using cheaper materials or affordable.

Seeking formal versatility

As livelihoods and lightweight division, no drywall, metal, plywood, and steel wire structures with expanded polystyrene core, and stucco.

is interesting to note the formal versatility can be achieved with panels coated wire mesh.

Viewing scans, contest results, and experimental approaches, some try to propose curves and diagonals. Is it possible? How well does the structure? House

curve, source:

Interestingly, the possibility of curves and arcs in the Covintec system, with emphasis on the feasibility in various promotions: arches and domes

panel Covintec
photos ARCHES AND DOMES PANEL Covintec / MONUMENTAL, huge dimensions, SALE PANEL Covintec

On the Internet, there is information about a contest accommodation in Valparaiso, using this system. It is very useful for parties find attractive, especially in the case of a special material. Of the winners, considering this, you may be lacking in a first look formal versatility, and commitment to Valparaiso, which is known for this, but the films have good detail.

The second is interesting to explore the slope. Source: Competition

minimum housing in Valparaiso - Covintec

How does the system Covintec?

The panel consists of a three-dimensional gauge galvanized wire # 14 (
2.03 mm), composed of vertical reinforcement. The trusses are attached to the width of the panel by horizontal wire gauge # 14 (2.03mm) welded at each point of contact. Between trusses, joins a core of expanded polystyrene prisms minimum density 10 kg/m3. The wire grid is completely separate
9.5 mm. polystyrene to allow proper clamping of mortar applied to each face of the panel after mounting.

Covintec panel, once coated on site, with a 2.5 cm layer on each side, creates a solid wall that presents appropriate mechanical properties, solving both the thermal and acoustic insulation. Source:

How to make curved walls? Are any other faces?
When there is a system or material, the question arises about maximizing their use, making the most of the match. Covintec page is interesting to include information on how curved walls.

curved walls 1. Is plotted on the ground the radius of the desired curve.
2. Cut the horizontal strands of the mesh inside the panel and the panel Flect, this face is reconstituted by placing a grid of 5 x 5 stapled firmly to the panel.

3. Install the panel in the layout of the plant and then topped with metal channel that already has the same curvature, or chain of concrete.

creative experiences: is possible to find innovative modern projects in this system. RDM Architects, shows on its Web experiences with the material.
Covintec House / RDM Architecture

striking modern language allow different levels, original. Overlap suggests another dimension, originating in the early modern trends. Movement and speech technology.
Is it possible to incorporate these systems in other geometries from the start, getting the most out of these structures?



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