Monday, September 28, 2009

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Lift and resistance patterns

grid structures

Images: notion of structures that combine shell and grille, as elements working in partnership.
structure criteria, it is possible to extract the previous article the notion of arc, and constructive action. How does the bow? Between "active forms" compression, the arch has been the structural form that has survived, for example, bridges and domes.

The arch is a structure that allows a stand on two bricks, using materials that resist compression only, the contracting effort structure, pressing elements. Beams, slabs, trusses, however, have elements under stress, the effort tends to stretch. The live elements require wood or metal. Reinforced concrete reinforcing steel used to resist tension. Use on roofs and bridges of stone, brick and plain concrete, since the time of the Romans, could have no other way not vaulted, for a construction made of these materials can not withstand tension. The arches have complexity supports, by tending to push them out, and down. The less deep the bow, the greater the thrust exerted on the supports.

The Vault: composition of arcs Basically, a vault is not more than the sum of arcs: a curved surface that receives weight on your top, and transmits it to the lowest asking follow the curve itself described. Because of this, can be formed for blocks that are in equilibrium, each push the upper block, it at the bottom. These thrusts are unloaded onto the supports, which are an effort to side scroll to the outside. Clearly, therefore, that a dome can not be conceived independently. You need to think in a body capable of absorbing the thrust it produces. So what determining system and rail is the mutual correspondence of thrust and counter thrust generated by the dome shape.

The vaults used in the Romanesque period are of different types. Widespread, especially in France, the tunnel vault, semicylindrical, the simplest of all. But the typical Romanesque dome is called the edge. Known by the Romans, the groin vault derived from crossing at right angles of two barrel vaults. It is a square, with four semicircular arches on the sides and two elliptical arches along the diagonals. Contrary to the vault cannon, which can only rely on other arc or a continuous wall, the dome suggests a natural edge, as points of support, four pillars, or columns, the angles of the vault. This is a great advantage: the roof edge can be made up in all directions.
From the junction of the groin vault with the other major media born of Romanesque architecture concept: the stretch. That is, the item can be combined to form the body of the building. You can describe the characteristic stretch Romanesque in form and function, like this: based on four pillars arranged in the corners of a square are joined two by two semicircular arches (called half point), first on the sides and then along the diagonals. These arches, pillars, the space defined in the schema of a groin vault with his cleats. fichasignatura.asp? NA = 4066 & TIT = 85

gridshell: the grid, the element
associated About recent projects, like the first picture, thinking, and now it is possible to think of ways warped, but formed by parts, as a framework, instead of solid surfaces. The term "gridshell" speaks of this: a shell (Shell), but lattice (grid). Structures of grids, the total section. 20information/information-downland% 20gridshell.htm

The grid of this project is actually a double coat, with ribbons in cross direction. This is necessary to combine the required degree of flexibility with enough lateral force. The pieces are joined at the nodes of the grid with a set of steel plates.

nodes The key to the construction of gridshell are clamps on the nodes, or metal coupled plates, which were placed in the parts where the cross pieces of wood on the grate. The clamps hold the pieces of oak in place, allowing them to twist and bend, bending and lifting, to form three-dimensional structure. A clamp consists of three plates where the medium has pins to locate the grid geometry, which embodies the bar. The panels are holding the external ribbons loosely in place, allowing slip during shell formation.
Once the structure reaches its final form in each attachment bolts are tightened to compress the wood together.

Software Custom Software was used to map the structure, so that each joint in the lattice was placed in a timber that would allow the degree of curvature appropriate to form the shell.
Example network structure.

other examples, apart from this particular project, you can find racks of paper, covers the way that achieves Shigeru Ban. The grid and can be steel, aluminum, cardboard, or pieces of wood - oak - for building gridshell Downland. The Japanese Pavilion Hanover, designed by Shigeru Ban, had an area of \u200b\u200b3600 m² and a height of 16 m, combining laminated wooden arches, with a mesh of cardboard tubes, 40 m long and 12.5 cm in diameter, tied with polyester straps. The foundation consisted of a steel frame and wooden tables filled with sand. This building was covered with a membrane of paper, specially made in Japan to resist fire and water. The building and the cardboard is the world's largest, disassembled and recycled at the end of exposure.
Sample Structure of paper: Paper

Grid Shell

Japanese Pavilion, Shigeru Ban, EXPO 2000, Hannover.

Approaches to arches and corrugated structures:
Gaudí and the funicular model.

funicular shape is a figure that takes a cable which is deformed by the action of a load, depending on its size and point of application.
Reading on arches and vaults, a question arises: what is the guideline most appropriate curve of a bow? The answer is that it depends on the system loads. Each according to their position and intensity, defines what is called funicular curve. " This is the ideal guideline for an arc.

One way to understand the operation of the arc is to imagine "invested." A series of weights hanging from a rope, it will spontaneously funicular shape of the curve. Will define a "reverse arch", in which the guidelines will work in tension, not compression. The most familiar example is the curve of a suspension bridge. Also, engineers have often used the same method to find the most appropriate form of an arc, playing in a model your system loads.

The simplest case is the uniform load in this case the funicular curve is a parabola (parabolic arc in the figure below). In building arches, however, is rarely used: Gaudí, and modernist architects were among the few who made use of it, being difficult to build (note the figure that each segment is of a different type), and its inclination right from the start reduces the available capacity of step.

However, this guideline, inverted, can be seen in many suspension bridges, known as the Golden Gate, or the Olafsund (Denmark, in the figure). In these, the weight of the board can be considered uniform for all purposes.

Slightly different is the catenary, a funicular load is not uniform, but proportional to the weight of the funicular curve itself. For lighting large compared to the height is almost indistinguishable from the parable. The most dramatic arc is the top piece, or key, which remains in place, as if defying gravity. Sometimes, on bridges and the aqueduct of Segovia, the stones are held together by its own weight, without any mortar, which is not as surprising as explained: it is surely no mortar could keep in place the blocks if they were not properly seated. resistance models used by Gaudí

is known that Gaudi used hanging models, method and occupied since the late seventeenth century. The originality of Gaudi, however, is that it uses vaults of unusual shapes, showing great structural insight. For the calculation of structures Gaudi was part of the design process from the initial stage.

Instead of using derivatives of the circle arcs, such as semicircular arches used parabolic or catenary (overhead is the form that takes a string pendant). The origin of this method comes from 1670, when Robert Hooke raised the question of what the ideal form of an arc. In 1676, gives the solution in an anagram, including a book on watches. "Just hanging flexible wire as well, but inverted will stand the rigid arch."

This analogy raises the suspension cables (funículum, from Latin, meaning string). While the cable supports traction, the bow "funicular" (his reflection) supports compression of the same magnitude as the cable.

galleries in Park Güell can deduce from the arc axis which must be the inclination of the axis of the column that matches the line of action of the reaction of the arc, ensuring that work in simple compression.
columns are leaning this way because they have the same direction as the resultant of the loads applied on them. In this way you can remove the spurs and buttresses, characteristic of the Gothic.

Renzo Piano and arcs and ripples contemporary

Kansai Airport, designed by Renzo Piano, is formally defined by a large undulating roof, silver color, which folds down to form a glass front looking at the tracks. Faced with this apparently smooth and polished exterior, the interior is dominated by the sight of large arches triangulated, slants, and cross-braces which make up the metal structure.

Arches paper, and derivations of the architecture of Shigeru Ban

You can see models of lift on a human scale: http://www. / In the link above you can see structural search models of support for grids, appealed to the board. Be seen, apart from the movement, held by unions, the importance of maintaining a strong section, lift the cross section, as a projection or recurrence of curves.
and election material By building split parts can be made of steel, aluminum, cardboard tubes, wood. This suggests the geometry and material right: geometry is not going to be the same depending on the material used.

Structure: solid wall and septum, the estimated calculation When designing, we estimate the proportion of strong and lightweight structure, taking criteria. In this sense, this approach appears from the question of how to move the calculation and verification, apart from occupying formulas and software, as auxiliaries. That is, direct structural design. At this point, we present the model as an intermediary, such as physical approach and forms of experience. Are interesting in this regard, the workshop model, and experiments 1 to 1, a human scale. In affordable housing, in contrast to other requirements, it is very important to the millimeter, bounded by the amount of m2 which often are handled.
project is necessary and taking such notion of partition and the actual width. A wall to be measured between 12 cm and 7 cm, which is quite variable. A solid wall of 14 to 20 cm, depending on the coating. Program focusing on how to cover housing, savings, through centimeters, and millimeters, can be significant.
As a criterion of structure, this article attempts to raise the issue of using modules, the total is reached, where the system is how these elements are linked and work together. This poses as an introduction to an issue that could be an aspect of development.


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