Monday, November 30, 2009

Paper Towel Science Project Results

We visit the Project Read All

Lee Everything is a software designed to facilitate access to ICT for children with low vision and blind. It is generally used as training software, prior to working with other screen readers like Jaws , ORCA , NVDA , etc., That allow navigation and access to all the tools installed on a PC . Read All

includes a series of activities and interesting and useful tools to use at work everyday courtly: recognition can work to promote writing keyboard touch and memorizing the location of the characters, perform activities dictation, has games and the teacher has the ability to enrich including text, images and sounds. In short, allows customization of activities according to student needs. It is also possible to work and practice Braille Braille keyboard.

As discussed in previous notes, this year Intec takes delivery of Windows Vista notebook with hospital and home schools of the Directorate of Special Education of the City of Buenos Aires. At the beginning of daily work in school, there is the inability to use the version that the software had read everything.

For this reason, responding to the concerns of Visual Stimulation Service Hospital School No. 2, Friday 27 November, the team Intec network even received Mr. Marcelo Martinotti and Ms. Lydia Lee Minho Project All, who made the presentation of its latest version compatible with Windows Vista and 7. After the meeting gave us a copy.

were present in the Pedagogical Advisors Network Inclusive Patricia Lopez's teaching hospital and school representatives ASAERCA , Red pedagogical coordination Inclusive Intec coordinator in Early Childhood Education and director Alicia Iacovino Hugo Intec Castilian.

So far, the developments of the Project Read All were distributed through organizations (NGOs, foundations) that delivered for free to people in need. This time they announced that starting next week will be available online to download software from its website,
around the site, where you will find much material on resource and contact address, whether they have any questions.

Further information on the installation Lee and All Other proposals for the use of this resource by encouraging activities aimed at the initiation of reading and writing, visit our blog resources at:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How Strong Is Meps Drug Test

Experiences innovative teaching with a major

During the Fourth Day of Red inclusive there were 3 mentions of innovative educational experiences in addition to those presented in the panel for their speakers .

These projects were selected because they allowed the collaborative work between teachers from different curriculum areas, promoted the use of other technologies such as camera and microphone and favored different modes of expression and communication through writing, words and image.

These were:
Project "school day", School of Special Education and Job Training # 6

Project "Adaptation of educational software Read All ", School of Special Education and Vocational Education No. 14

Project A picture ... many looks "School for the Disabled No. 1

Monday, November 9, 2009

Emu Oil Hair Moisturizer

New PC in special schools

Through donation of Buenos Aires Legislature , responding to a draft submitted by INTEC , became effective delivery of six computers for each Special Education School City of Buenos Aires.
also each educational center for the prevention and early childhood care CPAPI and each Resource Center Interdisciplinary Education CERI, get a PC.

This delivery also contemplates a computer for every room of 4 and 5 years of school initial level and a PC for each school library of primary schools.

This equipment upgrade will allow us to move forward on the projects that we have been developing since the INTEC Educational Coordination of Special Education - Inclusive Network - the incorporation of Information Technology and Communication, integrated cross curriculum content to accompany each Project School, according to the various methods and proposals from each institution.

Many of these projects could be seen in the Fourth Day of Red inclusive, with experiences that include editing audio and video, blogging, use of software simulators for the development of science content, etc.

technology offers us materials to develop skills and capabilities around new ways to express and communicate in different contexts, work collaboratively, and to integrate social networks that enable other venues for meeting and learning.

Drives Vc-211a Para Mac

Panel: "Accompanying integrations"

Panel developed in the framework of the Fourth Conference on Inclusive
The goal of using adaptive technology is to support the potential offered by Information Technology and Communication for curriculum integration, social and pedagogical people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) with the close collaboration of all stakeholders in the educational institution.
Since the year 2008, the Directorate of Integration Technologies, Intec, Red Inclusive is doing the support and advice on the use of ICT and the specific adaptations required by the pupils.
This process would be incomplete if not accompanied by all actors involved in the inclusion of pupils with Special Educational Needs, which has a relevant Keepers Assistants in the role of facilitating and promoting self-reliance and independence as well as assistance in the motor thick and thin.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Is Espnu Free And How Do You Get It Online?

Kevin Spacey, social networks and movie about Facebook

Social networks can generate new synergies among members of a community-for example, education, facilitate the flow of information, organizing events, sharing resources and above all, project and consolidate relations interpersonal.
The film does not stay out of this phenomenon and why the actor Kevin Spacey present his film about Facebook in the International Digital Content Forum (FICOD) on 17 November in Madrid, Spain.
Spacey's paper in FICOD demonstrates the widespread and growing interest around the world by social networks the web. All



Friday, November 6, 2009

Male Masterbation Creative

Panel: "Presentation of record of experience with adaptive technology"

Panel developed under the Fourth Day of Red

Inclusive ICTs are currently part of the fabric of resources that can be used to facilitate learning and participation.
When a student does not access the computer running a conventional way and the only way to do this requires the implementation of adaptations, the decision to use adaptive technology will be based on an interdisciplinary diagnosis in the context of collaborative work and taking into account the concept of Universal Design: ubiquity, invisibility, and adaptability.
Focusing on the problems of students with mobility disabilities have the possibility of using different adaptations to solve different difficulties in accessing the keyboard or the mouse that may arise. v = RGzJ9KICntw

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Diagram Of Viking Ship

VI Annual Conference of

In today developed in the Recovery School 9 9, the Sixth Annual Conference of Games Workshop's games: chess Atahualpa. " Starting

sharing proposal, the school worked since the beginning of the year with two projects in District 9:
  • support for children and school groups 2, 5, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 23, JIN 7 and 5
  • JII game project, schools 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 and 23. Each school once a week had a game workshop was developed with one or more grades. In the second half of the year, students from the school of recovery 9 students visited the schools as teachers of games.
In closing, these schools Center 1, Handicapped Engines 1, Homecare 1, CERI 15, 25 and Special Recovery 2, 3, 10, 12 and 14, accompanied him on a wonderful evening.

Some photos from the event ...

A school student told us his experience:

Initiative: Alice Olivero, Maria Rosa Delgado

Driving by: Mariel Giorgio

Games Workshop Teachers: Carla D'Agostini, Natalia

Second Collaboration: Fernando Auciello and all school staff