Monday, November 9, 2009

Emu Oil Hair Moisturizer

New PC in special schools

Through donation of Buenos Aires Legislature , responding to a draft submitted by INTEC , became effective delivery of six computers for each Special Education School City of Buenos Aires.
also each educational center for the prevention and early childhood care CPAPI and each Resource Center Interdisciplinary Education CERI, get a PC.

This delivery also contemplates a computer for every room of 4 and 5 years of school initial level and a PC for each school library of primary schools.

This equipment upgrade will allow us to move forward on the projects that we have been developing since the INTEC Educational Coordination of Special Education - Inclusive Network - the incorporation of Information Technology and Communication, integrated cross curriculum content to accompany each Project School, according to the various methods and proposals from each institution.

Many of these projects could be seen in the Fourth Day of Red inclusive, with experiences that include editing audio and video, blogging, use of software simulators for the development of science content, etc.

technology offers us materials to develop skills and capabilities around new ways to express and communicate in different contexts, work collaboratively, and to integrate social networks that enable other venues for meeting and learning.


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