Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blueprint For Halfpipe


First part
Values \u200b\u200b- 15ptos
· Punctuality
· Respect
· Disclaimer
Honesty Test-40ptos
Jobs - 30ptos - If any work is not entitled to review
· animation There will be a theme as the teacher will give each student which will contain
or student Drawing using all the tools
flash or Sera animated frame by frame by inserting into each frame motion
drawing created or will have a minimum of one minute or
be taken into account that contains the use of drawing tools in flash featuring your toolbar Tasks
-15 - if some task is not entitled to review
· Task 1: Questionnaire of 50 questions Handmade items first set.
· Task 2: We left a flash theme to develop applications on hand and in white sheets.
· Task 3: conduct an investigation of how flash support in their daily lives, at least 4 sheets, letter-size hand.
Second Partial Securities
15 points 40 points Review
30 points, something is missing work is not entitled to review
· Create a gif of a helicopter, then put it into another animation and flying over a city by describing a circular flight in the middle of your trip ( be taken into account the use of motion guide, shape and motion tweening)
· Create animation of a character from birth his death, background music and use transformation and shape hints at each change of age.
Task 15 - If missing work is not entitled to review
· Task 1: Questionnaire of 50 questions hand items second set.
· Task 2: Notes on clean from the first unit.
· Task 3: conduct an investigation of 10 shares of Action script different from their peers enclosing a CD with 10 flash file which exemplify each of these functions (The file name must correspond to the role Action Script)
Third part
15 points 40 points Review
30 points - If any work is not entitled to review
· Internet animation using images with the tool vectorized bitmap tracing, minimum 5, add background sound using the audio panel to change so that the sound begins and ends gradually and add individual sounds, the animation should last for 4 minutes, you use motion tweens and shape.

Task 15 - If missing work is not entitled to review
· Questionnaire 50 questions on topics of the 3rd hand part
· investigate professional animation production issue with flash
· ; hand thorough notes


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