Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gay Cruising Blog Spot


Greetings comrades, this test is really very simple to answer it will have a time of 1:30 minutes that time met to continue working person will have broken his examination, only have the opportunity to review so just talk to me when they are sure to have completed all well, finally remember that although the examination is perform in the CC so surprised person copying or USB passing consideration also will have voided without further clarification I wish you luck on your exam.

  1. ·          change the color of the Word window to silver.
  2. · From now on we use all the icons will be added to the Quick Access Toolbar .
  3. · configure our margins to 1.5 cm on each side and 2 columns.
  4. · shape our sheet legal size and landscape orientation.
  5. · Select the font, color and size that we like.
  6. · all the above parameters we default.
  7. · Let's make it so we invent a name and set it as title our newspaper.
  8. · begin with the global section as well that we seek a major news internet and copy it.
  9. · We hit information using the paste special and unformatted text option .
  10. · Select the title of the newspaper and put in styles Heading 1
  11. · select the name of the section and choose styles Title 2
  12. · select the name of the news and choose the subtitle style
  13. · not turn to the outline view and capture tool using the workspace copy and paste it into Word.
  14. · The inset image we apply an impact on either a color filter, a frame, a reflection etc.
  15. · create a new section called Image of the week, the name of the style section will put the title 2.
  16. · Using the Internet and the tool to remove background graphic to make a composition student preference, creativity and tell quality of work.
  17. · grouped our membership and add an effect that highlight our image.
  18. · New section called children, this section should also take the Heading 2.
  19. · 5 In this draw different shapes and use WordArt to display a conspicuously the name of each of the figures.
  20. · As we are experts in making comics created a new section called comics which made a small cartoon of 1 page, must use text boxes, which calls must have a different color that appears by default, clip art and use different fonts and at no point font should be the default.
  21. · Finally configure the spell checker to check the words are also capitalized and do not do spell checking in real time, ie as you type, and finally check spelling and grammar to the document by using the Spelling and grammar.
  22. If you've got here have completed the exam, many congratulations and I hope the rating is the best.


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