Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Skin Tag Urethra Opening

Interview Manuel Palomares

Inter- this week published the following interview with Manuel Palomares, Palomares Closings manager, as a company specializing in the installation metal facades:

The face of our buildings should be careful as it looks inside a house. Not only the design, but also to protect from inclement weather. In this sense, the protection of facades is an important aspect to consider, therefore Interempresas has been in contact with Manuel Palomares, manager Closings Palomares, who gives us his view of how to protect what entertains our buildings, the facades. Ricard

What should I do to properly protect our walls?

First, we must ensure that not only is a mere surface from sun or rain. The front is the coat to protect us from the outside, so you should bet for a solution that integrates aesthetics, thermal and acoustic insulation.

What materials are more resistant to inclement weather?

Our most effective solution passes through the steel plate or through simple or sandwich panel.
Manuel Palomares, Palomares Closings manager.

"In Spain we usually do most common problems found in our walls? What are the most common repairs?

existing facades often offer great warranties and if a fault can be detected is to use materials with low range or an installation failure. Therefore, the most common repairs go through replacing defective plates or leaks due to improper installation.

What are the trends in protection of facades?

is now seeking increased protection of materials that combine the steel with intermediate isolates as rock wool or polyisocyanurate (PIR). Remember that there are solutions for offices or homes with architectural and sandwich panels for factories or warehouses in the industrial panel.
"The trends are towards the use of steel combined with intermediate isolates as rock wool or PIR"
facades protect us from cold, heat and noise.

your company offer all kinds of solutions for facades, which of them has a greater resistance? Describe its characteristics.

As I mentioned earlier, you must combine the factors of thermal, acoustic and, of course, aesthetics. Sandwich solutions are the most recommended, as they isolate us while offering an aesthetic vision from the outside highly recommended. What

façade solution that has more success with your products? What are the advantages over other products?

A sandwich panel façade, consisting of two steel sheet profiles and isolation through a front or tray filled with insulation. The advantages are obvious at first glance, they offer a modern appearance and modern thanks to its isolation, we benefit from heat savings.

Speaking of sustainability and the environment, what measures does your company in this respect? Closings

Palomares is one of the pioneers who first gambled in Spain by the replacement of asbestos-cement, the old Uralita. We offer our customers the synchronized replacement walls and roofs with asbestos-cement facades and metal roofs, of various types and qualities.
This is one of the solutions Palomares Enclosures offers its customers. What

solutions for facade is the most sustainable?

solution combining an intermediate insulation is the most sustainable as the energy savings involved isolation from the outside is highly recommended to both environmental and economic heat.

A part of customer satisfaction, what is your goal as a company?

Always offer innovation and quality customer service. We think the customer should be advised to the best of all solutions is within reach and adapt to their needs. Only by understanding the customer really needs, Palomares Closings solutions may be beneficial for it.

Want to add something else that is not mentioned in the interview?

Advise the consumer to always seek expert advice on the various solutions available. Palomares enclosures offers extensive photographic coverage of his latest works both our website and in its corporate blog .


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