Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Black Rosary Necklace Gang

ICT and a look Welcome

In November 2009, was published in the Newspaper "Plural" the Ministry of Education of the City of Buenos Aires, a note to Prof. Inés Enjo, Supervisor of Special Education.

See note

Inés Knowing through the workplace, seemed worthwhile to bring her experience in the use of technology and how it influenced his personal and professional life, from the advances in the development of technological resources available.

We proposed to extend the previous note. We share with you. this interview exclusively using ICT resources, and we thank Agnes for their contributions, hoping that this post "help to disseminate the vital importance of information technology for the full inclusion of visually impaired people in the cultural world, labor and social. "

- At what point in his life had the first contact with the PC?

In 1994 I used my first typhlotechnical device called Braille 'n Speak. In 1995 I started to develop operations within a PC using the DOS operating system. The Braille' n Speak said acted as a screen reader . Then, following the technological progress, I went to use the Windows operating system with the Jaws of reading program, as well as Open Book for scanning and reading printed text.

- How technology contributed to growth or job performance?

As a fundamental tool for the autonomous development of my professional work, intensifying the communication process. Consider, for example, Internet access and email. Also, the progress means the use of software and hardware appropriate for a blind person, whether PC, Notebook's, Mini Notebook's and file systems corresponding information such as diskettes (no longer in use), CD or Flash Drive, including mobile .

- What ICT does in his personal life?

The use is consistent in my daily work, especially because it makes it possible to overcome the limitations of blindness in relation to reading, writing and anything that involves social communication in the present moment.

- how you consider that technology contributes to improving the quality of life for blind people?

The person with a visual impairment access to all media, for example, national or international newspapers, specialized libraries, films and / or games. This expands the educational horizons and include people blind in the entire social system. After all, as Durkheim would say, education is a moment of "socialization."

- from his role as supervisor of schools, imagine how meaningful inclusion of ICT in education?

It seems essential to develop the whole issue of accessibility on web pages. Of course there are other problems related to ICT and SEN, but this will first talk about a school that a school is going and coming. Indeed, the next school should rethink their teaching practices, and from them, build another school inclusive for everyone to understand the role of ICT in the formation of a visually impaired student.


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