Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Noises To Masterbate To


Ms. Olga Lidia Arean
Finalist Business Women Award 2010 organized by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development . Argentina entrepreneur
product conservation. Athena women chosen by BPW South 2009. Women to Participate in Panel at work


Association Representative Barrios del Plata. The Civil Partnership Barrios del Plata is the Grameen replica in La Plata-Berisso, developed in the locality, the project promoted by economist Muhammad Yunus in Bangladesh Desh.Integrante of Argentina Federation of Grameen replicas Fargo. participate in the Panel: Women in the workplace.

Prof. Arlette Neyens
Past President of BPW-Amnyp Villa La Angostura 2001/09.
teaches courses on Public Speaking, Conflict and Negotiation. Artist. He teaches courses in Art History. Founding President of the Association Kudaufe, Villa La Angostura. Co-founder of Farm School and Children Jardinaría Talita Kum. As President of BPW La Angostura, Argentina led project with support from the Five'O. Women participate Panel, Education and Labor

architect Marta Susana Solimano

BPW President of the Development Committee, Trade and Technology 2008-2011
Leads various projects such as Latin American representative at the international level.
sector professionals in architecture and planning.

Ms. Patricia Marzoratti
BA in Political Science. Master in Management
Thesis submitted in International Management "Municipalities Socially Responsible." Young BPW International Coordinator (formerly Young Career Women or YCW) for Latinoamerica-2007/08. Professional Involvement Program of the ILO-CEA and Federal Investment Council / Commission for Scientific Research (CIC) - 2009-2010. Participate CSR Panel
Education Sciences Lic. Academic Program Director of Human Resources Executive Universidad Torcuato di Tella. Professor School of Business MBA and Executive MBA in Human Resource Management, Career Development and Leadership UTDT. Directs Human Resources Executive Program in Tucumán Foundation. 2010 release Master ESPOL Talent Management, Ecuador. Cover and President Whalecom Consultant specializing in change and development. lecture on "Turbulence Generation"
Ms. Marta Harff
with entrepreneurs and business outlets in chain stores with their cosmetic line brand. Will Speak on a "Business Case" in the Panel
Women in the business.

Liliana Nassiff
Head of Communications, Community and Institutional Relations of Argentina Bridgestone. Participate in the Panel on Corporate Social Responsibility and speak on "Gender CSR perspective - Women Campaign Segment-The case Bridgestone Argentina"

Dr. Nelly Minyersky
First and only woman to chair the Association of Lawyers of Buenos Aires.Vice President of the Bar Association of the Federal Capital.
participate in the Panel Women in the workplace and will speak about "Women as Operator of the law."

Moderator of the Panel on Social Responsibility. Degree in Systems and Social Psychologist. He began his career working in the area entrepreneur and trainer, consultant and coach in the area of \u200b\u200bHuman Resources. In 2001 appointed as Executive Director and Vice President, Avon Foundation for Women of Argentina. Member of the commission of social responsibility Argentina Chamber of Cosmetics and Perfumery. Delegation member of Argentina selected by the Vital Voices Global Partnership globalentre, global Avon Foundation and the U.S. State Department to end violence against women


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