Saturday, February 20, 2010

Whats That Song Called


Sueli Batista Dos Santos
First Vice President and Coordinator of the Work Committee of BPW Brazil. founder, former president and current Coordinator of Social Responsibility of BPW Cuiabá. Founding Director of Communications and Studio Press Publishing Company. MBA Professor of Strategic Management School of Management, Federal University of Mato Grosso and Administration Module Social Responsibility and Third Sector- degree in Journalism and MBA Graduate of the Third Sector and Public Policy Candido Mendes University in Rio de Janeiro. Specialist topic Social Responsibility.

Sra.Yara Blochtein

Chairperson of the Committee on Environment and Sustainable Unfolding Federation of Business and Professional Women BPW International-America Region America 2008-2011.
Chair of Environment & Sustainable Unfolding & Water Taskforce. Environmental Coordinator BPW Brazil.
Environmental Coordinator BPW Porto Alegre.

Dr. Beatriz Zanella Fett

President of the Agriculture Committee.
2008-2011 Past President - BPW Brazil
Entrepreneurship Projects Femenino-SEBRAE/SPM/BPW Brazil, 2005-2008. Lawyer

panels on topics of Excellence and Quality; Violence against Women and other

Ms. Elisa Campos

Chairperson of the International BPW Brazil
Committee Expert Group International issues of Peace and Intercultural Understanding

Dulce Magalhaes

Educator, Researcher, Writer and Speaker of Florianópolis. Visual Programming Lic. PH.D. in Philosophy with a focus on Career Planeamento - Columbia University (USA). Master in Business Communication - University of London (England). Post Degree Marketing by ESPM-SP. Specialization in Adult Education, University of Rome (Italy) and Oxford (England). Representative
Thong Seminar on Culture and Communication of Unesco - USA.
Author of Books: Undisciplined Discipline Manual, Tips for Managing Time and Making Life Better Messenger of Wind, A Journey for
Moving Co-author of books: Tips for teaching Learning, Thinking Strategic Leadership of Today and Tomorrow, Time Conversion, Manual of T & D, La Paz as road and Le Sacre Aujord'h ui, published in France in 2003.


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