Monday, May 17, 2010

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Presentation of assistive technology for people with physical disabilities

On May 13 attended the presentation in Argentina of a software for people with mobility disabilities, free download, organized by INDRA , division Sustainability and innovation.
The event took place at the Emperor Hotel and was attended by Hans Nieto, Director of Communications and Corporate Responsibility in Latin America Indra, Ricardo Viaggio, Director General of Indra in Argentina, Marina Klemensiewicz, President of the Commission for Full Participation Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (COPIDIS) under the Ministry of Inclusion and Human Rights of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires and Pilar Ferro Rehabilitation Center and Special CARE.

presentaciĆ³n INDRA
According to Ricardo, 50% of the world's population uses the Internet, but only 5% of people with some disability in their free time surfing.
In this sense, Marina Klemensiewicz, said that in Argentina there are still many obstacles to full integration. "These developments are clearly tools egalitarian."
noted the importance of bringing technology to people's lives as a tool that provides equal opportunities, generating actions that circumvent the barriers. He stressed the need for support and political alliance with private companies and civil society organizations, appealing to the sensitivity and social responsibility of different actors to respond to various needs that arise. In addition, the official noted that since Secretary of Inclusion and Human Rights Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of Buenos Aires will work together to articulate the various proposals Education portfolio.

"Many times, the motor disability cover many other capabilities that are trapped. In that sense, the technology prevents this from happening by providing support for access," he said Pilar Ferro.

programs, Headmouse VirtualKeyboard and can be downloaded for free and aim to match the conditions of access to technology and to promote reintegration.
These programs were designed by the area of \u200b\u200brobotics at the University of Lleida, Spain, in collaboration with Indra and Adecco. The benefit that this technique gives those with pictures of hemiplegia, quadriplegia or lack the upper limbs, is a dynamic method to browse the network and communicate with others, through a combination of vision algorithms.

Head Mouse incorporates a number of innovations. Through the use of machine vision algorithms developed for mobile robotic area, the user is able, without any prior information or knowledge, to use natural and intuitive way the virtual mouse. Once installed, the software does not require any help accessing the configuration or to change the parameters offered by the system.

Using Virtual Keyboard does not require prior training. It works through an application that appears on the computer screen, which allows writing text using virtual keystrokes. It has word prediction capabilities, algorithms which learn from user mode of writing and improve their rates of success exponentially. Head Mouse


Download Virtual Keyboard:



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