Thursday, December 31, 2009

Want To Buy Nintendo Club Coins

Thank you all! Workshops

HAPPY 2010!

Gaby and Miriam


Pic Of Cockroach Pooping

classroom resources

technologies information and communication and changes occurred at a rapid pace, teachers can not remain passive in the face of this event or fear, we should encourage us to experiment, to produce and especially to appropriate them.

Based on the idea that every teacher has the responsibility to upgrade, learn, study, adapt and use all the tools to maximize the process educational thought in workshops on various technology tools and resources to train teachers from Special Schools, as part of the work of educational counseling.

The idea was to offer proposals for each teacher take from them what is most useful contextual adapted to their reality and their teaching practices.

It began by explaining what the operating system, offered information and resources working on accessibility, taking into account that people use should present low level of visual impairment, hearing or motor.
Provided with accessories shown on any computer as calculator, sound recorder, Word Pad, Paint, which allow a creative approach to curriculum content, then ventured into other tools like Movie Maker. Paint With
activities were carried math, language and social, in order to demonstrate that older computers or without CD drive or other deficiencies, as tasks can be developed.
were worked with text documents, images, tables, and presentations for the design of animations and Read-Along
was performed hunting photos for the construction of a humorous story, using the PC, mobile and Internet devices.

Incorporation of new devices and equipment that arrived at the school, shows how little many teachers make use of them in school work and in many cases in his personal life.
The completion of these workshops enabled us to bring many teachers to various technological resources and use them to design new strategies in teaching practices.

Inés Dufka
Educational Advisory


What Oxygenating Toothpastes

PDI workshops with teachers

During the 1 st quarter of 2009, were delivered interactive whiteboards (PDI) to ten schools in Special Education, accompanying and teaching institutions at different levels of training.
share with you the experiences of the Advisory Teaching in schools that serve students with hearing impairment:

"As of August 18, started a fortnightly workshop PDI in special education schools No. 28 and 29 of the Government of the Buenos Aires City, better known by their names and Magnasco Ayrolo respectively.
I had the collaboration of Valeria Canevsky (AP) for the given training Ayrolo school.
This being my first introduction to school for the deaf was for me a challenge. Not only to train teachers in the use of this new technological tool, but also the thought that we would give the utility to be incorporated into teaching practices.
In both schools were very good disposition of both management personnel and teachers.
The feeling I get from this training is work satisfaction, which allowed us to rethink teachers with significant use of this tool, to develop projects designed specifically for each group and the memory of smiles for all contingencies technology puts us on the way and the challenge to find different strategies to solve them.
I had my first introduction to sign language, aided by the school teachers and continually interpreted ILSA my class for deaf teachers. In this exchange, we all learned ...
This successful experience not only has to do with technology, but also with the emotional ties that were "woven" throughout the day. "
Fabian Amati
Advisory Teaching


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Can I Use Expired Chicken Stock?


The school must provide answers to your abilities, interests and learning pace, based on a significant learning as possible, making the student living experience, manipulate, perceive reality of things (King, 1997).

Since 2008 to date, the Educational Coordination of INTEC in special education, inclusive network, through its technological pedagogical advisors accompanied the educational inclusion of students with disabilities in regular schools at the levels: initial primary and middle of the CABA
The primary objective is to harness the potential of ICT for teaching and student learning that are integrated, promoting curricular integration processes, social and educational. Think

ICT in regular schools in relation to pupils with SEN can be done with an eye on two potential: as a resource to enable better educational opportunities and tools that enable learning opportunities

1 .- Resources enable better opportunities for education, improve the motivation, facilitate the exchange, allow greater participation, reduce the strain placed on mechanical and focus activities the effort on what is most important for achieving the objectives of education. Then in case we have integrated students with a temporary or permanent SEN (illness, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, etc.) can be useful to collaborate with teachers from grade to design activities that include technology that would encourage and to enable better teaching conditions with these guys

2 .- tools that enable learning opportunities in school and be common when it comes to students in need of technologies as resources to access resolution of the activities or meeting curriculum objectives, ie without them can learn or be in regular school but with a lower level of independence. This is the case of students with physical disabilities or visual

In the process of integration of technologies for persons with disabilities requires a long journey, an interdisciplinary work, monitoring the incorporation process, use, practice and constant reevaluation, responding in the most appropriate to achieve real inclusion of ICT.

is a commitment to multidisciplinary work, which involved the entire staff of the Educational Institution principals, teachers, caretaker, Counseling Center, parents, professionals, traders, etc.

In 2008, a total of 18 adaptations for access to the use of a computer, 82% achieving satisfactory solutions.
In 2009 joined 29 students and the task was completed with the traces of the previous year, with a total of 47 interventions.

Ana Lojkasek
Educational Advisory


Monday, December 28, 2009

Green Eyed Actress 90's Movie

Accompanying Blogs of Special Education schools and occupational training

This year it was proposed that teachers of special schools for vocational training, creation of thematic blogs where work collaboratively to meet the various institutions and produce a kind of service offerings. In addition, through the comments, foster communication between pairs of individual schools.

At first it was necessary to train teachers in the design and use of blog and Web 2.0 tools. The papers were subsequently published in gradually and slowly began to appear some comments, including one from a Mexican cook and relatives of students: the blog was able to transcend the walls of schools.

On the other hand, work carried out occurred in the Fourth Day of Red inclusive, with greater dissemination to other schools in the area.

With the addition of Web cams, chats raised to make exchanges. Due to the instability in connectivity, this goal was not met.

is projected for the year 2010, collaborative work on the Bicentennial, in which we can exploit the new resources incorporated. It is also hoped that through increased exchange of comments on blogs, improve access, as you have achieved with the addition of voice messages.

Do we visit?, See you there!

Valeria Canevsky
Educational Advisory


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Where Can I Buy Knock Off Ugg Fluff Momma Boots?

Best wishes wishes for parties, that next year we will meet again to continue the journey started ... Red Team


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Maytag Dryer Will Not Turn On


resolve About 1 to 1 scale prototypes, I became interested in the tensegrity. I also think the second article in this page, referring to examples of lift and drag. At first glance, appear as spontaneous expressions of balancing efforts, calling attention to the lightness and transparency.
Faced with the idea that I've been thinking of architecture as the cover, I wonder if it will work optimally covering planes.

A tensegrity system can be defined as a balance of compression elements (usually bars) and tensile elements that complete a system of rigid partials efforts that secures a total. flexibility, stability, sustainability

The structure of the branches of trees, under normal wind, or temporary, is presented as an example of stability and strength, where the elements tend to return to the initial place. Application

As for the dilemma in order to serve this type of system, you can imagine applied
furniture, roof types, megastructures. The structural aspect is suitable for functions where the symmetry can be of help: repetitions of rooms, modules, large decks.

By covering these systems, a larger scale, the idea is that no longer tensegrity, and also seek cover, background, transparency and opacity, full and empty.

The Kenneth Snelson page contains detailed substantial
understanding of these systems, which associates the helical grip tissue to the subject that it produces, triangulations, and conflicting efforts blades. It is in English, but has clear graphics.
"The fabric and tensegrity, share the same principle of alternating helical directions." Among the papers presented, draw attention to column structures, according to the same language, share an identity with braid or braiding. In tensegrity structures complete triangulation, the network voltage is very important, deciding whether the structure is firm or flaccid. Only the cross with his two props (and four members of tension), and the prism of three-way primary between these figures have total triangulation (bottom). The square, pentagon and hexagon do not. These can be stabilized with additional lines, but the additional lines will necessarily be selective in the directions that distort the picture.

The directional sense of all the forces of lift and thrust can also be reversible, involving possibilities for reflection. Elements
solid, three-dimensional bars can be interpreted as edges, taken to be the geometric generation. The flexibility inherent in tensegrity systems is itself helical, and the whole tower structure bends slightly when compressed from top to bottom. Otherwise, if the cumulative bending is the goal, then all modules should be in a helical direction.

Thus, only those forms voltage network which is composed entirely of triangles are really stable. If the network has squares, pentagons, etc., The structure is deformable and flabby.

In the figure, a network tensegrity, plotted with triangles. The flexibility of an elastic tensegrity structure, a column for example, can be seen in small rotation of the propellers, right or left in coordination with the stretch of power lines. A right hand propeller rotation compresses the left, and vice versa. The tower shown above is an example. All power lines - the edges, slings drawn - are of equal length, so the triangles, green, in the table are equilateral. To put pressure on the column responds as a spring, with flexibility. The name given is "the tower ranging equilateral (" Equilateral Quivering Tower ").
Around the relationship with folds, this column folded paper (above) simulates the geometry of a tensegrity column of three ways. The type 1 is red triangles, and type 2 is green. Thus the concavity and convexity in the folds of the paper carried a close relationship tensegrity tension and compression forces model.

The text defines three kinds of power lines: lines " edge "(green), which define the sides of each module (in most cases the edges have less stress), line" stretching "or tow ( blue), strokes, pulling the modules to each other, and lines "sling" (red), who fail modules, such as chains, or bands. In the forms of kite marks ("Kite frame"), meanwhile, are produced from crosses buildings and tension rigid perimeter. When one of these edges are replaced by another element, rigid or modular, there are multiple variations of this classification. Replace a rod or stiffener with an X-module (module on the cross), and produces a variant. This new combination of two modules in cross represents the first stage of construction process, which can be extended indefinitely. Each quadrant open any module and provides a place to connect other.
To observe these movements, personal prototypes built.

modules drawing on the turn, I find the vertical suspension posed tensors, and the various positions that support a structure. The degree to which brand stretch stability of the figure.

spins, are presented on a regular basis, or more complex perspectives and bring these structures movement and expression. The second image, of the last four points of tension and restraint in sports that require coordination, and stability, for example. Some qualities and come to an expression within the structures.

recent As a practical application, it is possible to observe the use of this system for bridges. The newly opened Bridge Kurilpa , draws on these resources, while there is interesting information gateway Tor Vergata, based on the form of an octahedron expanded. / TVFpaper.pdf This type of construction, and combines possibilities of incorporation in design, with large qualities of strength, and the use of lightweight materials, and economic. I will try to advance in the understanding of such systems and their practical application.

Homemade Simple Playhouses

Congratulations Handicapped School No. 1 in the sample of science teachers

Students from School No. 1 Disability participated in the exhibition "Buenos Aires, schools and the natural sciences", along with other primary schools of the city.

project "Robots sprinklers" presented was carried out by the boys of 6 and 7 and cut across various curricular areas.

In the language area students created a story collaboratively on care water.
plastic made in the illustration of the various materials.

Then in natural sciences, this issue related to biodiversity, investigating the different irrigation needs are different species.
Finally with the school technology coordinator school, Marisa Rodeiro using Lego materials and supported by the trainers sent, the students built two robots sprinklers: one with a distance sensor that waters close to a surface (in this case to a pot) and one with a light sensor programmed to water every plant species more or less time depending on the color of the pots where it is planted.

boys very eloquently presented their work to Education Ministry officials, teachers and school peers who approached the stand and were also reported by several groups of radios and newspapers concerning school.

Andrea Kopp Inclusive Network


Camera Opertor Scholl

Training the CERI

This year the pedagogical coordination INTEC Red inclusive special education, began working with schools Interdisciplinary Resource (CERI) to encourage and facilitate the inclusion of ICT in classroom practices of teachers that they nucleate.

During the last quarter of the year, conducted workshops for teachers of CERI No. 7, 11, 13, 15 and 19.

The organization of each of these workshops was held jointly between educational technology consultants INTEC (AP) belonging to the coordination of primary and special . This collaborative approach was essential because:

- workshops were conducted in primary schools in each district where there is a CERI who lent their computer labs for the meeting

- when thinking about how to optimize the interventions in each setting was important the presence of the primary AP who know in depth each of the schools in their districts.

The PA primary with which we articulate these activities are Carlos Chardon (DE 7), Claudia Scorese (DE 11), Monica Hernandez (DE 13), Adriana Fisdel (DE 15), Blanca Lucero (DE 19) and Andrea Kopp, AP special education.

Each workshop, run by the Red Inclusive AP, was a first tranche in the that developed general concepts of media literacy and incorporation of technology to teaching practices, and a second section, where teachers had the opportunity to explore different tools for production. Showed examples of various activities with these resources, existing schools.

exchange was very enriching experience and in each of the workshops the teachers expressed their interest in continuing the meetings.

During the last month delivered a PC INTEC each CERI thereby strengthening the process of incorporating technology into all areas of education.

Andrea Kopp Inclusive Network


Monday, December 14, 2009

Red Curved Lines Onsony Projection

Closing Meeting Annual Network Equipment Inclusive

As earlier this year, our team met on Wednesday December 9, to share concerns about our work in special education schools, to know (since there was influx of new teachers) and continue discussing and defining the role of School Coordinator of Technology (CET), within each institution.
The work developed by CET in schools is a fundamental pillar for the inclusion of ICT in different ways. Concur hospital schools, home, CENTER, recovery and special schools according to disabilities (intellectual, motor, visual or auditory) in primary and post primary - labor, all of the Directorate of Special Education, Ministry of Education GCBA.
posed by this heterogeneity educational diversity, promoting the enrichment of the team that draws on the specific training of its various members and in turn, the possibility to exchange experiences and modalities of such different approach proposes a flexible and comprehensive look on inclusive education and on our way to incorporate ICT in school projects in response to different needs.

We are part of this team: Maria Laura Rodriguez, Florencia Petrera, Daniel Vecchione, Marisa Rodeiro, Maria Eugenia Gianfelice, Lorena Cingolani, Casaravilla Valentin, Mario Lazo Toledo, Alejandro Paz, Arturo Arias, Eliana Cohan, Mario Roncallo, Beatriz Charadia, Adrian Barrett, Monica Tesoriero, Luna Soledad Moreira, Carolina Lazo Toledo, Ana Maria Lojkasek, Pilar Ferro, Mario Sehtman, Ana Maria Müller, Andrea Kopp, Valeria Canevsky, Ines Dufka, Gabriela Tejada and Miriam Suchodolski.

share with you moments of the meeting ...

understand the inclusion of ICT in the educational proposals as a process need for consensus and commitment of various stakeholders in the school community. Through the Pedagogical Advisors and Coordination, accompanied the CET working with Supervisors and conduct of schools and training teachers. Each school will define its profile and its appropriation of technology.

In primary schools, the PST work with students and teachers with teaching couple. In business schools, priority is given to students training in tools that facilitate inclusion work.

The goal of our team interventions in schools to promote joint planning and training for teachers to to achieve an appropriation of ICT for inclusion in teaching practices significantly and independently.

continue working in this way ...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pussies With Lot Of Hair

Training school teachers home

During this year, gave Intec notebook and PC at home schools and hospitals , dependent Special Education Department GCBA. This allowed the strengthening and enrichment of the process of incorporating ICT in teaching approaches have been developing teachers attending to every need. The

Domiciliary School No. 8 teachers meet monthly. Driving gave these spaces in both turns, to hold meetings in different resources training for the incorporation of ICT in the educational work, as we have done in other schools throughout the year.

The workshops were presented by Ana Maria Müller, Pedagogical Adviser Inclusive Network home schools and hospitals.
Taking into account the needs and interests of teachers, themes were set to work.

Workshop November 4 : during the first section of the exhibition toured with preloaded material. The selection of these resources are taken into account the heterogeneity of the school population, covering all areas and levels. Includes tools to produce software, stimulation, games logic - mathematical tools to develop curriculum content, etc..
During the second half, the teachers explored the material, conducted consultations and exchanges on possible activities to be developed. With the goal that every teacher can continue the exploration and evaluation of material, after the match, was given a copy on CD.
Taking into account the concerns expressed by teachers, was set the main theme for the December meeting.

• Workshop December 1 : adaptive technology worked. In order for teachers to know the resources available, there was a presentation by a tour of the same, both software and hardware for students with motor impairment, visually impaired and blind.
material also available for mobile phones (Symbian technology) and accessibility options available in operating systems.
photos and videos were presented on the application of these resources and their educational value.
He was running virtual keyboard scanning options, screen readers and training materials blind students.
During the exhibition a socialized educational work done with a blind student, for which prepared a machine with the software Read All , also assisted the student physiotherapist, explaining both the achievements and access to new possibilities, from the incorporation of technology resources.
All teachers interested in developing the process and outcome of the case. Requested for an upcoming meeting, to go deep on the same topic.
were given all the links to access the material exposed.

Ana Maria Müller
Educational Advisory

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What Body System Does Tendotitis Effect?

International Day discapcidad

In this day, December 3, marks the international day of disability. The United Nations instituted this date in 1992, so that companies and institutions aware of the benefits generated by the inclusion in all aspects of a person's life.

"I want as I am, the voice of children with disabilities, is a film that includes interviews boys and girls between 6 and 19 years with different disabilities in Spain, Bolivia and Morocco and is intended to reflect the vision themselves have about their own needs.

is estimated that less than 2% of all children with disabilities have special services of some kind, so that for many boys and girls, suffer a disability can be assumed to grow in a climate of lack of opportunity or exclusion.

This situation is particularly severe in developing countries, which are estimated to live about 80% of children with disabilities in the world. The video provides evidence through a total of 36 interviews with children from three countries and three different realities. "

In Argentina, National Survey of People with Disabilities (ENDI), dating from 2003 were 2,176,123, 7.1% of the total population. Only 24.9% is employed, 4.7% are seeking employment. A comprehensive note on the state of Argentina in the daily La Nación

Best Snowmobile Modular Helmet

Opening of the Library EEA No. 14

On Wednesday December 2, attended the opening ceremony of the Library "Re-think" School of Special Education No. 14.
This initiative started several years ago as a possible project, materialized this year in a reality that promotes access to images, writing, reading, the world that offer us books, the ability to create and re-create true stories, fantasy, love, suspense ... and any place where we want to bring the imagination.

share some images and sounds of a celebration that was attended by former principals and teachers who began to shape this project, with current actors in the educational community that culminated, teachers, principals, parents, students, directors of other educational institutions, the supervisor of the institution, the director of special education and community referrals.

Remarks by the Director of Special Education

And it came to the opening! With a ribbon cutting ... and discover a literary world, a place of learning, cultural recreational space!

also enjoy storytellers' voices rolling "of Readers Schools Programme, to read stories written by students of the school.

Congratulations for this valuable achievement! and as said the dire, a avisito: receive donations of books (in good condition) for children in initial and primary school level.