Thursday, December 31, 2009

What Oxygenating Toothpastes

PDI workshops with teachers

During the 1 st quarter of 2009, were delivered interactive whiteboards (PDI) to ten schools in Special Education, accompanying and teaching institutions at different levels of training.
share with you the experiences of the Advisory Teaching in schools that serve students with hearing impairment:

"As of August 18, started a fortnightly workshop PDI in special education schools No. 28 and 29 of the Government of the Buenos Aires City, better known by their names and Magnasco Ayrolo respectively.
I had the collaboration of Valeria Canevsky (AP) for the given training Ayrolo school.
This being my first introduction to school for the deaf was for me a challenge. Not only to train teachers in the use of this new technological tool, but also the thought that we would give the utility to be incorporated into teaching practices.
In both schools were very good disposition of both management personnel and teachers.
The feeling I get from this training is work satisfaction, which allowed us to rethink teachers with significant use of this tool, to develop projects designed specifically for each group and the memory of smiles for all contingencies technology puts us on the way and the challenge to find different strategies to solve them.
I had my first introduction to sign language, aided by the school teachers and continually interpreted ILSA my class for deaf teachers. In this exchange, we all learned ...
This successful experience not only has to do with technology, but also with the emotional ties that were "woven" throughout the day. "
Fabian Amati
Advisory Teaching



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