Thursday, December 17, 2009

Camera Opertor Scholl

Training the CERI

This year the pedagogical coordination INTEC Red inclusive special education, began working with schools Interdisciplinary Resource (CERI) to encourage and facilitate the inclusion of ICT in classroom practices of teachers that they nucleate.

During the last quarter of the year, conducted workshops for teachers of CERI No. 7, 11, 13, 15 and 19.

The organization of each of these workshops was held jointly between educational technology consultants INTEC (AP) belonging to the coordination of primary and special . This collaborative approach was essential because:

- workshops were conducted in primary schools in each district where there is a CERI who lent their computer labs for the meeting

- when thinking about how to optimize the interventions in each setting was important the presence of the primary AP who know in depth each of the schools in their districts.

The PA primary with which we articulate these activities are Carlos Chardon (DE 7), Claudia Scorese (DE 11), Monica Hernandez (DE 13), Adriana Fisdel (DE 15), Blanca Lucero (DE 19) and Andrea Kopp, AP special education.

Each workshop, run by the Red Inclusive AP, was a first tranche in the that developed general concepts of media literacy and incorporation of technology to teaching practices, and a second section, where teachers had the opportunity to explore different tools for production. Showed examples of various activities with these resources, existing schools.

exchange was very enriching experience and in each of the workshops the teachers expressed their interest in continuing the meetings.

During the last month delivered a PC INTEC each CERI thereby strengthening the process of incorporating technology into all areas of education.

Andrea Kopp Inclusive Network



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