Thursday, December 17, 2009

Homemade Simple Playhouses

Congratulations Handicapped School No. 1 in the sample of science teachers

Students from School No. 1 Disability participated in the exhibition "Buenos Aires, schools and the natural sciences", along with other primary schools of the city.

project "Robots sprinklers" presented was carried out by the boys of 6 and 7 and cut across various curricular areas.

In the language area students created a story collaboratively on care water.
plastic made in the illustration of the various materials.

Then in natural sciences, this issue related to biodiversity, investigating the different irrigation needs are different species.
Finally with the school technology coordinator school, Marisa Rodeiro using Lego materials and supported by the trainers sent, the students built two robots sprinklers: one with a distance sensor that waters close to a surface (in this case to a pot) and one with a light sensor programmed to water every plant species more or less time depending on the color of the pots where it is planted.

boys very eloquently presented their work to Education Ministry officials, teachers and school peers who approached the stand and were also reported by several groups of radios and newspapers concerning school.

Andrea Kopp Inclusive Network



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