Thursday, December 17, 2009

Maytag Dryer Will Not Turn On


resolve About 1 to 1 scale prototypes, I became interested in the tensegrity. I also think the second article in this page, referring to examples of lift and drag. At first glance, appear as spontaneous expressions of balancing efforts, calling attention to the lightness and transparency.
Faced with the idea that I've been thinking of architecture as the cover, I wonder if it will work optimally covering planes.

A tensegrity system can be defined as a balance of compression elements (usually bars) and tensile elements that complete a system of rigid partials efforts that secures a total. flexibility, stability, sustainability

The structure of the branches of trees, under normal wind, or temporary, is presented as an example of stability and strength, where the elements tend to return to the initial place. Application

As for the dilemma in order to serve this type of system, you can imagine applied
furniture, roof types, megastructures. The structural aspect is suitable for functions where the symmetry can be of help: repetitions of rooms, modules, large decks.

By covering these systems, a larger scale, the idea is that no longer tensegrity, and also seek cover, background, transparency and opacity, full and empty.

The Kenneth Snelson page contains detailed substantial
understanding of these systems, which associates the helical grip tissue to the subject that it produces, triangulations, and conflicting efforts blades. It is in English, but has clear graphics.
"The fabric and tensegrity, share the same principle of alternating helical directions." Among the papers presented, draw attention to column structures, according to the same language, share an identity with braid or braiding. In tensegrity structures complete triangulation, the network voltage is very important, deciding whether the structure is firm or flaccid. Only the cross with his two props (and four members of tension), and the prism of three-way primary between these figures have total triangulation (bottom). The square, pentagon and hexagon do not. These can be stabilized with additional lines, but the additional lines will necessarily be selective in the directions that distort the picture.

The directional sense of all the forces of lift and thrust can also be reversible, involving possibilities for reflection. Elements
solid, three-dimensional bars can be interpreted as edges, taken to be the geometric generation. The flexibility inherent in tensegrity systems is itself helical, and the whole tower structure bends slightly when compressed from top to bottom. Otherwise, if the cumulative bending is the goal, then all modules should be in a helical direction.

Thus, only those forms voltage network which is composed entirely of triangles are really stable. If the network has squares, pentagons, etc., The structure is deformable and flabby.

In the figure, a network tensegrity, plotted with triangles. The flexibility of an elastic tensegrity structure, a column for example, can be seen in small rotation of the propellers, right or left in coordination with the stretch of power lines. A right hand propeller rotation compresses the left, and vice versa. The tower shown above is an example. All power lines - the edges, slings drawn - are of equal length, so the triangles, green, in the table are equilateral. To put pressure on the column responds as a spring, with flexibility. The name given is "the tower ranging equilateral (" Equilateral Quivering Tower ").
Around the relationship with folds, this column folded paper (above) simulates the geometry of a tensegrity column of three ways. The type 1 is red triangles, and type 2 is green. Thus the concavity and convexity in the folds of the paper carried a close relationship tensegrity tension and compression forces model.

The text defines three kinds of power lines: lines " edge "(green), which define the sides of each module (in most cases the edges have less stress), line" stretching "or tow ( blue), strokes, pulling the modules to each other, and lines "sling" (red), who fail modules, such as chains, or bands. In the forms of kite marks ("Kite frame"), meanwhile, are produced from crosses buildings and tension rigid perimeter. When one of these edges are replaced by another element, rigid or modular, there are multiple variations of this classification. Replace a rod or stiffener with an X-module (module on the cross), and produces a variant. This new combination of two modules in cross represents the first stage of construction process, which can be extended indefinitely. Each quadrant open any module and provides a place to connect other.
To observe these movements, personal prototypes built.

modules drawing on the turn, I find the vertical suspension posed tensors, and the various positions that support a structure. The degree to which brand stretch stability of the figure.

spins, are presented on a regular basis, or more complex perspectives and bring these structures movement and expression. The second image, of the last four points of tension and restraint in sports that require coordination, and stability, for example. Some qualities and come to an expression within the structures.

recent As a practical application, it is possible to observe the use of this system for bridges. The newly opened Bridge Kurilpa , draws on these resources, while there is interesting information gateway Tor Vergata, based on the form of an octahedron expanded. / TVFpaper.pdf This type of construction, and combines possibilities of incorporation in design, with large qualities of strength, and the use of lightweight materials, and economic. I will try to advance in the understanding of such systems and their practical application.


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