Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Can I Use Expired Chicken Stock?


The school must provide answers to your abilities, interests and learning pace, based on a significant learning as possible, making the student living experience, manipulate, perceive reality of things (King, 1997).

Since 2008 to date, the Educational Coordination of INTEC in special education, inclusive network, through its technological pedagogical advisors accompanied the educational inclusion of students with disabilities in regular schools at the levels: initial primary and middle of the CABA
The primary objective is to harness the potential of ICT for teaching and student learning that are integrated, promoting curricular integration processes, social and educational. Think

ICT in regular schools in relation to pupils with SEN can be done with an eye on two potential: as a resource to enable better educational opportunities and tools that enable learning opportunities

1 .- Resources enable better opportunities for education, improve the motivation, facilitate the exchange, allow greater participation, reduce the strain placed on mechanical and focus activities the effort on what is most important for achieving the objectives of education. Then in case we have integrated students with a temporary or permanent SEN (illness, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, etc.) can be useful to collaborate with teachers from grade to design activities that include technology that would encourage and to enable better teaching conditions with these guys

2 .- tools that enable learning opportunities in school and be common when it comes to students in need of technologies as resources to access resolution of the activities or meeting curriculum objectives, ie without them can learn or be in regular school but with a lower level of independence. This is the case of students with physical disabilities or visual

In the process of integration of technologies for persons with disabilities requires a long journey, an interdisciplinary work, monitoring the incorporation process, use, practice and constant reevaluation, responding in the most appropriate to achieve real inclusion of ICT.

is a commitment to multidisciplinary work, which involved the entire staff of the Educational Institution principals, teachers, caretaker, Counseling Center, parents, professionals, traders, etc.

In 2008, a total of 18 adaptations for access to the use of a computer, 82% achieving satisfactory solutions.
In 2009 joined 29 students and the task was completed with the traces of the previous year, with a total of 47 interventions.

Ana Lojkasek
Educational Advisory



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