Monday, December 28, 2009

Green Eyed Actress 90's Movie

Accompanying Blogs of Special Education schools and occupational training

This year it was proposed that teachers of special schools for vocational training, creation of thematic blogs where work collaboratively to meet the various institutions and produce a kind of service offerings. In addition, through the comments, foster communication between pairs of individual schools.

At first it was necessary to train teachers in the design and use of blog and Web 2.0 tools. The papers were subsequently published in gradually and slowly began to appear some comments, including one from a Mexican cook and relatives of students: the blog was able to transcend the walls of schools.

On the other hand, work carried out occurred in the Fourth Day of Red inclusive, with greater dissemination to other schools in the area.

With the addition of Web cams, chats raised to make exchanges. Due to the instability in connectivity, this goal was not met.

is projected for the year 2010, collaborative work on the Bicentennial, in which we can exploit the new resources incorporated. It is also hoped that through increased exchange of comments on blogs, improve access, as you have achieved with the addition of voice messages.

Do we visit?, See you there!

Valeria Canevsky
Educational Advisory



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