Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pic Of Cockroach Pooping

classroom resources

technologies information and communication and changes occurred at a rapid pace, teachers can not remain passive in the face of this event or fear, we should encourage us to experiment, to produce and especially to appropriate them.

Based on the idea that every teacher has the responsibility to upgrade, learn, study, adapt and use all the tools to maximize the process educational thought in workshops on various technology tools and resources to train teachers from Special Schools, as part of the work of educational counseling.

The idea was to offer proposals for each teacher take from them what is most useful contextual adapted to their reality and their teaching practices.

It began by explaining what the operating system, offered information and resources working on accessibility, taking into account that people use should present low level of visual impairment, hearing or motor.
Provided with accessories shown on any computer as calculator, sound recorder, Word Pad, Paint, which allow a creative approach to curriculum content, then ventured into other tools like Movie Maker. Paint With
activities were carried math, language and social, in order to demonstrate that older computers or without CD drive or other deficiencies, as tasks can be developed.
were worked with text documents, images, tables, and presentations for the design of animations and Read-Along
was performed hunting photos for the construction of a humorous story, using the PC, mobile and Internet devices.

Incorporation of new devices and equipment that arrived at the school, shows how little many teachers make use of them in school work and in many cases in his personal life.
The completion of these workshops enabled us to bring many teachers to various technological resources and use them to design new strategies in teaching practices.

Inés Dufka
Educational Advisory



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